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the project

the details

This animation aims to promote a new technology developed by 10X Genomics called Visium Spatial Gene Expression Solution. The purpose of the animation is to showcase the series of steps taking place and the data produced by the procedure. A friendly and inviting tone characterizes the product presentation to serve the advertising purposes of the brief.  

Client: Rex Twedt (UIC), 10X Genomics

Audience: Scientists & Researchers


Software: 3ds Max, VRay, Illustrator, After  Effects,
Red Giant Trapcode Particular, Audition

Format: 3D/2D animation


The first step in the process was to flesh out the main steps of this technology by reading its guidelines. To make sense of the advantages this innovative method of transcriptomics has to offer, I read  the literature to find out how its use makes research go forward and how scientists assess the value of its use.  



After learning more about how the technology works and how it can prove to be valuable for researchers and scientists, I started writing the script. I tried to keep the language fairly simple so that scientists outside the transcriptomics niche can follow the flow of the video. 

Once the script was ready, I moved on to the storyboard. For this animation I chose to avoid a cinematic style with moving cameras and I opted for a steady camera with clean visuals to respect both the advertising and the explanatory scope of the brief. 


After the pre-production work was done and the plan was ready I started modelling and animating the needed 3D assets in 3ds Max. The 2D assets were created in Illustrator and animated in After Effects. I used Trapcode Particular plugin to achieve some special particle effects and composited the whole sequence in After Effects to produce the final animation.